Interested? Return your application and registration materials or receipts to:
Brooke Levey, DSNMC, PO Box 1041, Rockville, MD 20874
COVID-relief funds are made available through small grants to the membership of The Down Syndrome Network of Montgomery County to provide financial assistance which directly improves the life of the individual with Down syndrome. The funding for COVID-relief grants comes from donations and fundraisers. Dollars are awarded based on the availability of funds, which varies based on the amount of donations and participation in fundraisers in a given year. In 2020, DSNMC will award 20 $200 grants. One grant per individual with Down syndrome is permitted.
The purpose of the DSNMC COVID-relief Fund is to provide financial assistance to individuals with Down syndrome in the following areas of need.
1) Activities such as classes, camps, organized sports, etc.
2) Therapies including PT, OT, and Speech.
3) Direct Medical expenses
5) Tutoring
6) Technology
Deadline for Application
Application deadline is January 30, 2021 however applications will be reviewed and awarded on a first come first serve basis. Funds will be distributed until we reach our $4,000 fund limit. Please allow 14 days to process the application.
Here is a link to the Google Doc Application: (**Please note, either complete the Google Doc application online or mail the completed .pdf application. Supporting documentation of cost is required.)
Attached is a W-9 form, if needed.
Click here for attached flyer and application with additional details.
Interested? Return your application and registration materials or receipts to:
Brooke Levey, DSNMC, PO Box 1041, Rockville, MD 20874
People Helped
Volunteer Hours
Dollars Raised
Program Participants
1,000 in 2020
We have the power to improve lives. Generosity has the ability to unite and heal our community in good times and bad. Together, we can heal.
Thank you to our generous sponsors:
Carl M Freeman Foundation